texture mapping found in 20 VIS Papers
texture mapping co-occurs with 74 other keywords:
volume rendering 4x graphics hardware 3x visualization 3x flow visualization 2x level-of-detail 2x line integral convolution 2x multi-resolution 2x parameterization 2x terrain rendering 2x 3d map 1x 3d medical imaging 1x 3d painting 1x acceleration techniques 1x adaptive mesh refinement 1x anisotropic filtering 1x antialiasing 1x atlas 1x bandwidth-limited resource 1x cell projection 1x clinical evaluation 1x comparative visualization 1x compositing 1x computational fluid dynamics 1x data fusion 1x detail preservation 1x detail recovery 1x feature extraction 1x field lines 1x forward mapping 1x fourier analysis 1x gouraud shading 1x hardware 1x hierarchical splatting 1x illumination 1x image warping 1x image-based modeling and rendering 1x image-based rendering 1x interactivity 1x isosurface 1x jitter 1x k-d tree 1x landing gear 1x level sets 1x mesh partitioning 1x mr angiography 1x multi-scale representation 1x normal mapping 1x octree 1x oil flow 1x particle image velocimetry 1x photogrammetry 1x raycasting 1x realtime display 1x reconstruction 1x sampling 1x scientific visualization 1x simplification 1x surface flattening 1x surface rendering 1x surface representation 1x surface simplification 1x texture caching 1x texture for geometry 1x unsteady flow 1x unsteady flow visualization 1x unstructured meshes 1x variable speed animation 1x vector field visualization 1x virtual environment 1x virtual reality 1x visibility classification 1x volume navigation 1x vrml 1x wind tunnel 1x