volume visualization found in 51 VIS Papers

Conf. Year Title
SciVis 2015 A Classification of User Tasks in Visual Analysis of Volume Data
SciVis 2014 ViSlang: A System for Interpreted Domain-Specific Languages for Scientific Visualization
Vis 2011 Quasi Interpolation With Voronoi Splines
Vis 2011 Volume Analysis Using Multimodal Surface Similarity
Vis 2010 Visualization by Proxy: A Novel Framework for Deferred Interaction with Volume Data
Vis 2009 BrainGazer - Visual Queries for Neurobiology Research
Vis 2009 Kd-Jump: a Path-Preserving Stackless Traversal for Faster Isosurface Raytracing on GPUs
Vis 2008 Volume MLS Ray Casting
Vis 2007 Semantic Layers for Illustrative Volume Rendering
Vis 2007 Lattice-Based Volumetric Global Illumination
Vis 2007 Conjoint Analysis to Measure the Perceived Quality in Volume Rendering
Vis 2007 Segmentation of Three-dimensional Retinal Image Data
Vis 2006 Importance-Driven Focus of Attention
Vis 2006 Hub-based Simulation and Graphics Hardware Accelerated Visualization for Nanotechnology Applications
Vis 2006 Caricaturistic Visualization
Vis 2006 Visual Signatures in Video Visualization
Vis 2006 Scalable Data Servers for Large Multivariate Volume Visualization
Vis 2005 High performance volume splatting for visualization of neurovascular data
Vis 2005 Statistically quantitative volume visualization
Vis 2005 Scale-invariant volume rendering
Vis 2005 VolQD: direct volume rendering of multi-million atom quantum dot simulations
Vis 2004 Projecting tetrahedra without rendering artifacts
Vis 2004 Visualizing gyrokinetic simulations
Vis 2004 Lighting transfer functions using gradient aligned sampling
Vis 2004 ImageSurfer: a tool for visualizing correlations between two volume scalar fields
Vis 2003 Interactive deformation and visualization of level set surfaces using graphics hardware
Vis 2003 Hardware-based ray casting for tetrahedral meshes
Vis 2003 A novel interface for higher-dimensional classification of volume data
Vis 2002 Exploring scalar fields using critical isovalues
Vis 2002 Fast and reliable space leaping for interactive volume rendering
Vis 2002 BM3D: motion estimation in time dependent volume data
Vis 2002 Christmas tree case study: computed tomography as a tool for mastering complex real world objects with applications in computer graphics
Vis 2001 Fast detection of meaningful isosurfaces for volume data visualization
Vis 2001 Interactive volume rendering using multi-dimensional transfer functions and direct manipulation widgets
Vis 2000 Extracting regions of interest applying a local watershed transformation
Vis 2000 A visibility determination algorithm for interactive virtual endoscopy
Vis 2000 Simplification of tetrahedral meshes with accurate error evaluation
Vis 2000 Mastering interactive surface rendering for Java-based diagnostic applications
Vis 2000 Visualization of time dependent confocal microscopy data
Vis 2000 Visualizing volume data using physical models
Vis 1999 Isosurface extraction techniques for Web-based volume visualization
Vis 1999 Multiresolution Techniques for Interactive Texture-based Volume Visualization
Vis 1999 A fast volume rendering algorithm for time-varying fields using a time-space partitioning (TSP) tree
Vis 1998 Accelerated ray-casting for curvilinear volumes
Vis 1998 Image-based transfer function design for data exploration in volume visualization
Vis 1998 Isosurface extraction in time-varying fields using a temporal hierarchical index tree
Vis 1997 Collision detection for volumetric objects
Vis 1997 Multiresolution tetrahedral framework for visualizing regular volume data
Vis 1995 Interval volume: a solid fitting technique for volumetric data display and analysis
Vis 1992 An efficient range search algorithm for visualizing extrema of volume data
Vis 1992 Visualizing wind velocities by advecting cloud textures

volume visualization co-occurs with 163 other keywords:

volume rendering 9x isosurface 5x graphics hardware 4x data exploration 3x focus+context technique 3x gpu 3x illustrative visualization 3x isosurface extraction 3x marching cubes 3x multi-dimensional transfer function 3x programmable graphics hardware 3x scientific visualization 3x surface rendering 3x virtual reality 3x biomedical imaging 2x cell projection 2x classification 2x direct volume rendering 2x face-centered cubic lattice 2x flow visualization 2x image processing 2x raycasting 2x scalar field visualization 2x time-varying fields 2x transfer function 2x unstructured grid 2x vector field 2x volume graphics 2x 3d image processing 1x 3d interaction 1x 3d texture 1x adaptive integration 1x advection 1x algorithm 1x atomic collision 1x atomistic simulation 1x biology 1x biomedical image segmentation 1x biomedical visualization 1x box spline 1x characteristic viewpoint estimation 1x climate modeling 1x clouds 1x collision probability 1x computational geometry 1x computed tomography 1x computer vision 1x confocal microscopy 1x conjoint analysis 1x critical points 1x curvilinear grid 1x data structures 1x deferred interaction 1x deformable models 1x direct manipulation widgets 1x distance map 1x distributed systems 1x dithering 1x divergence theorem 1x domain-specific languages 1x dynamic simulation 1x empirical evaluation 1x expected time complexity 1x feature extraction 1x feature tracking 1x gpu rendering 1x hardware texture 1x human factors 1x image analysis 1x image segmentation 1x image-based rendering 1x immunofluorescence 1x interacting with volumetric datasets 1x interactive visualization 1x irregular grids 1x isosurface reconstruction 1x large data set visualization 1x lattice 1x level sets 1x level-of-detail 1x medical applications 1x mesh simplification 1x modeling 1x morphological segmentation 1x moving least squares reconstruction 1x multi-dimensional range search 1x multi-resolution rendering 1x multi-resolution volume 1x multimodal data 1x multiple scattering 1x multivariate visualization 1x nanotechnology simulation 1x nearest common ancestor 1x neural networks 1x neurobiology 1x neurovascular structures 1x non-rectilinear mesh 1x octree 1x optical coherence tomography 1x optical flow 1x parallel and distributed volume visualization 1x parallel computing 1x parallel rendering 1x parameterized algorithms 1x participating media 1x perspective interpolation 1x physical models 1x pixel shader 1x plasma physics 1x polygon simplification 1x pre-integrated volume rendering 1x projected tetrahedra 1x quantum dots 1x quasi interpolation 1x raycasting optimization 1x raytracing 1x reconstruction filter 1x remote visualization 1x retinal 1x risk analysis 1x sampling 1x scalar field topology 1x scene graphs 1x segmentation 1x segmented data 1x shading 1x silhouette enhancement 1x simplicial complexes 1x space leaping 1x span space 1x sphere tree 1x streaming computation 1x support vector machine 1x surface crossing probability 1x surface fitting 1x surface similarity 1x task taxonomy 1x template 1x tetrahedral meshes 1x texture methods 1x tomographic data 1x translucence 1x uncertainty 1x unstructured meshes 1x user interface design 1x user study 1x video processing 1x video visualization 1x virtual navigation 1x visiblity 1x visual queries 1x visual signatures 1x visualization 1x volume distortion camera 1x volume shading 1x volume splatting 1x volume subdivision 1x volume visualization framework 1x volumetric collision 1x voronoi spline 1x watershed transformation 1x web-based applications 1x wind 1x

volume visualization is part of the topic cluster Volume Rendering, Modeling, and Visualization containing 74 keywords
volume rendering 137x volume visualization 51x direct volume rendering 30x transfer function 24x multi-dimensional transfer function 5x volume deformation 5x volume modeling 5x transfer function design 4x volume illumination 4x interactive volume rendering 3x interval volume 3x volume data 3x volumetric data 3x interactive volume visualization 2x large volumes 2x multi-resolution volume 2x volume graphics 2x volume roaming 2x volume shading 2x volume splatting 2x volumes 2x voxelization 2x 3d texture-based volume rendering 1x compressed volume rendering 1x controlled-volume vaporization 1x distributed volume reconstruction 1x efficient volume rendering 1x higher-order volumetric functions 1x image-swept volume 1x indirect volume rendering 1x interacting with volumetric datasets 1x interactive large higher-order tetrahedral volume 1x interactive volume exploration 1x interactive volume illustration 1x interval volume rendering 1x large volume visualization 1x large volumetric data 1x large-scale volume rendering 1x mixing polygons and volumes 1x multi-volume rendering 1x multi-volume visualization 1x multimodal volume rendering 1x parallel and distributed volume visualization 1x partial volume voxels 1x pre-integrated volume rendering 1x spectral volume rendering 1x surface and volume illustration 1x temporal volume rendering 1x texture-based volume rendering 1x texture-based volume visualization 1x volume bricking 1x volume completion 1x volume compositing 1x volume csg 1x volume editing 1x volume exploration 1x volume fairing 1x volume fraction 1x volume gradient operator 1x volume manipulation 1x volume modelling and rendering 1x volume raycasting 1x volume reconstruction 1x volume reformation 1x volume subdivision 1x volume warping 1x volume-preserving mapping 1x volumetric collision 1x volumetric data reconstruction 1x volumetric environment 1x voxel arrays 1x voxel-based modeling 1x whole field modelling 1x x-ray volume rendering 1x