topology found in 18 VIS Papers
topology co-occurs with 56 other keywords:
visualization 3x compression 2x genus 2x isosurface 2x scalar fields 2x approximation 1x area-preserving maps 1x chaos 1x clustering 1x computational geometry 1x contour tree 1x crease extraction 1x data analysis 1x data exploration 1x delaunay 1x discontinuity 1x dynamical systems 1x error metrics 1x feature detection 1x features 1x gabriel graph 1x gouraud shading 1x image representation 1x invariant manifolds 1x knot theory 1x linear programming 1x marching cubes 1x material science 1x morse theory 1x morse-smale 1x morse-smale complex 1x multi-field 1x multi-resolution 1x multivariate data 1x neighborhood graphs 1x normal vectors 1x numerical optimization 1x parallel coordinates 1x poincare map 1x ridge lines 1x scatterplot 1x seifert surfaces 1x soar 1x sparsely sampled data 1x statistics 1x structural analysis 1x surface reconstruction 1x tensor field 1x tensor invariants 1x terrain 1x topological methods 1x triangular mesh 1x user interface 1x vector field 1x visual analytics 1x visualization in physical sciences and engineering 1x