time-series found in 9 VIS Papers
time-series co-occurs with 32 other keywords:
information visualization 3x aesthetics 1x anomaly detection 1x banking to 45 degrees 1x bioinformatics 1x biological data 1x blogs 1x brushing and linking 1x communication-minded visualization 1x data reduction 1x e-transaction 1x events 1x graph drawing 1x graphical perception 1x juxtaposition 1x last.fm 1x line charts 1x listening history 1x microarrays 1x multi-dimensional scaling 1x multiple views 1x multivariate data 1x space-filling layout generation 1x sparklines 1x state transitions 1x streamgraph 1x themeriver 1x topic detection and tracking 1x trends 1x turbine flow visualization 1x visual analytics 1x vortex extraction 1x