text visualization found in 16 VIS Papers

Conf. Year Title
VAST 2015 Task-Driven Comparison of Topic Models
InfoVis 2014 Exploring the Placement and Design of Word-Scale Visualizations
VAST 2014 Serendip: Topic Model-Driven Visual Exploration of Text Corpora
VAST 2014 LoyalTracker: Visualizing Loyalty Dynamics in Search Engines
InfoVis 2012 Spatial Text Visualization Using Automatic Typographic Maps
InfoVis 2011 TextFlow: Towards Better Understanding of Evolving Topics in Text
InfoVis 2010 FacetAtlas: Multifaceted Visualization for Rich Text Corpora
VAST 2010 Understanding text corpora with multiple facets
InfoVis 2009 Mapping Text with Phrase Nets
VAST 2009 Parallel Tag Clouds to explore and analyze faceted text corpora
InfoVis 2008 The Word Tree, an Interactive Visual Concordance
InfoVis 2003 Dynamic visualization of transient data streams
Vis 2003 A visual exploration process for the analysis of Internet routing data
InfoVis 1999 The sunflower visual metaphor, a new paradigm for dimensional compression
InfoVis 1998 The shape of Shakespeare: visualizing text using implicit surfaces
Vis 1998 TOPIC ISLANDS TM - a wavelet-based text visualization system

text visualization is part of the topic cluster Text, Document, Topic Analysis, Data, and Techniqu containing 64 keywords