segmentation found in 16 VIS Papers
segmentation co-occurs with 53 other keywords:
volume rendering 3x clustering 2x flow visualization 2x image processing 2x neuroscience 2x proofreading 2x visualization 2x 3d reconstruction 1x aneurysm 1x automatic web service 1x blood vessel detection 1x centroidal voronoi tessellation 1x colorization 1x computed tomography 1x connectome 1x connectomics 1x consumer graphics hardware 1x data and provenance tracking 1x diffusion 1x feature extraction 1x geometric algorithms 1x graphics hardware 1x graphics processor 1x hardware acceleration 1x image analysis 1x implicit surface rendering 1x level set models 1x mean-shift 1x medical imaging 1x medical visualization 1x microscopy 1x multi-scale 1x multi-slice ct 1x non-linear diffusion 1x non-linear filtering 1x non-photorealistic rendering 1x optical coherence tomography 1x persistent homology 1x quantitative evaluation 1x reeb graph 1x region growing 1x retinal 1x scientific visualization 1x simplification 1x streaming computation 1x support vector machine 1x topological data analysis 1x tracheo-bronchial tree 1x unstructured meshes 1x vector field 1x video generation 1x virtual endoscopy 1x volume visualization 1x