interactive found in 6 VIS Papers
Conf. | Year ▴ | Title |
Vis | 2012 | Interactive Retro-Deformation of Terrain for Reconstructing 3D Fault Displacements |
Vis | 2004 | Interactive point-based isosurface extraction |
Vis | 2002 | Sea of images |
Vis | 1996 | LISTEN: sounding uncertainty visualization |
Vis | 1996 | Real-time slicing of data space |
Vis | 1994 | The design and implementation of the Cortex visualization system |
interactive co-occurs with 33 other keywords:
isosurface 2x animation 1x capture 1x compression 1x contour surface 1x data partitioning 1x extensible 1x fault simulation 1x flow 1x geometry 1x image-based rendering 1x interpolation 1x isocontour 1x large data 1x mesh deformation 1x midi 1x modular 1x point-based 1x portable 1x realtime 1x reconstruction 1x scientific visualization 1x smart particles 1x sonification 1x splatting 1x spray rendering 1x terrain rendering 1x uncertainty 1x view-dependent 1x visualization 1x visualization environment 1x volume rendering 1x walkthrough 1x