image-based rendering found in 10 VIS Papers

Conf. Year Title
Vis 2010 Visualization by Proxy: A Novel Framework for Deferred Interaction with Volume Data
Vis 2004 TexMol: interactive visual exploration of large flexible multi-component molecular complexes
Vis 2003 A framework for sample-based rendering with O-buffers
Vis 2002 Sea of images
Vis 2001 Wind Tunnel Data Fusion and Immersive Visualization: A Case Study
Vis 2000 Image based rendering with stable frame rates
Vis 2000 Real-world relativity: image-based special relativistic visualization
Vis 1998 Image-based rendering with occlusions via cubist images
Vis 1998 Efficient warping for architectural walkthroughs using layered depth images
Vis 1997 Image synthesis from a sparse set of views