image processing found in 8 VIS Papers
image processing co-occurs with 36 other keywords:
volume rendering 3x computed tomography 2x feature extraction 2x scientific visualization 2x segmentation 2x volume visualization 2x aneurysm 1x biomedical image segmentation 1x colorization 1x computer vision 1x cultural heritage 1x feature detection 1x fine details 1x flow visualization 1x geometric modeling 1x hardware acceleration rendering 1x image analysis 1x interactive inspection 1x interactive visualization 1x medical imaging 1x medical visualization 1x mesh parameterization 1x morphological segmentation 1x nondestructive testing and evaluation 1x numerical analysis 1x optical coherence tomography 1x pattern extraction 1x pattern recognition 1x retinal 1x support vector machine 1x surface characterization 1x surface modeling 1x user interface 1x visualization 1x volume textures 1x watershed transformation 1x