graph visualization found in 27 VIS Papers

Conf. Year Title
InfoVis 2015 AmbiguityVis: Visualization of Ambiguity in Graph Layouts
InfoVis 2014 GLO-STIX: Graph-Level Operations for Specifying Techniques and Interactive eXploration
VAST 2014 Visual Analysis of Patterns in Multiple Amino Acid Mutation Graphs
VAST 2014 TopicPanorama: A Full Picture of Relevant Topics
InfoVis 2013 Visualizing Fuzzy Overlapping Communities in Networks
InfoVis 2012 Interactive Level-of-Detail Rendering of Large Graphs
InfoVis 2011 Design Study of LineSets, a Novel Set Visualization Technique
InfoVis 2011 Stereoscopic Highlighting: 2D Graph Visualization on Stereo Displays
InfoVis 2011 Divided Edge Bundling for Directional Network Data
Vis 2011 Interactive, Graph-based Visual Analysis of High-dimensional, Multi-parameter Fluorescence Microscopy Data in Toponomics
InfoVis 2010 Untangling Euler Diagrams
InfoVis 2009 Search, Show Context, Expand on Demand: Supporting Large Graph Exploration with Degree-of-Interest
InfoVis 2009 Bubble Sets: Revealing Set Relations with Isocontours over Existing Visualizations
InfoVis 2008 Geometry-Based Edge Clustering for Graph Visualization
InfoVis 2008 Improving the Readability of Clustered Social Networks using Node Duplication
VAST 2008 Configurable Spaces: Temporal analysis in diagrammatic contexts
InfoVis 2007 VisLink: Revealing Relationships Amongst Visualizations
InfoVis 2006 ASK-graphView: a large scale graph visualization system
InfoVis 2006 Visual Analysis of Multivariate State Transition Graphs
InfoVis 2006 Hierarchical Edge Bundles: Visualization of Adjacency Relations in Hierarchical Data
InfoVis 2005 Dynamic visualization of graphs with extended labels
InfoVis 2005 Visualization of graphs with associated timeseries data
InfoVis 2004 A Comparison of the Readability of Graphs Using Node-Link and Matrix-Based Representations
InfoVis 2004 Matrix Zoom: A Visual Interface to Semi-External Graphs
InfoVis 2004 Interactive Visualization of Small World Graphs
InfoVis 2001 Effective graph visualization via node grouping
InfoVis 2000 Density functions for visual attributes and effective partitioning in graph visualization

graph visualization co-occurs with 84 other keywords:

clustering 6x information visualization 4x edge aggregation 3x node-link diagrams 3x edge bundling 2x graph drawing 2x hierarchy 2x network visualization 2x set visualization 2x tree visualization 2x visual analytics 2x 3d visualization 1x adjacency matrix 1x aggregation 1x biological visualization 1x biology 1x cancer data 1x concept maps 1x curves 1x data overlay 1x degree of interest 1x dynamic animation 1x edge clustering 1x edge concentration 1x euler diagrams 1x evaluation 1x experimental studies 1x external memory algorithms 1x faceted visualization 1x finite state machines 1x fluorescence microscopy 1x focus+context 1x force-directed drawing 1x fuzzy clustering 1x geo-temporal analysis 1x graph analysis 1x graph clustering 1x graph label placement 1x graph layout 1x graph matching 1x graph navigation 1x graph-level operations 1x hierarchy trees 1x human-information interaction 1x interactive clustering 1x legal citation networks 1x level-of-detail 1x mesh 1x metrics 1x motif search 1x motif visualization 1x multivariate visualization 1x mutations 1x node duplications 1x node grouping 1x node-link diagram 1x node-link representation 1x opengl 1x orthogonal drawing 1x overlapping community visualization 1x pattern visualization 1x phone traffic 1x physical simulation 1x protein interaction 1x readability 1x small world graphs 1x social networks 1x spatial layout 1x state spaces 1x stereo displays 1x structural comparison 1x time-series analysis 1x topic graph 1x toponomics 1x transition systems 1x treemap 1x uncertainty visualization 1x usability experiments 1x user interaction 1x virtual reality 1x visual ambiguity 1x visual clutter 1x visualization 1x visualization technique specification 1x

graph visualization is part of the topic cluster Graph/Network Data and Techniques containing 91 keywords
graph visualization 27x graph drawing 20x network visualization 15x graph layout 11x graph 9x node-link diagrams 7x networks 4x force-directed algorithm 3x graph and network visualization 3x network layout 3x compound graphs 2x directed acyclic graph 2x dynamic graph visualization 2x extremum graph 2x force-directed layout 2x force-directed placement 2x graph/network data 2x interactive graph drawing 2x multivariate networks 2x node-link diagram 2x physics-based graph layout 2x small world graphs 2x active network measurement 1x animated graphs 1x attribute relationship graphs 1x betweenness centrality 1x content-actor network data 1x data flow networks 1x directed graphs 1x dual graph 1x dynamic graph data 1x dynamic graph layout 1x edge concentration 1x edge features 1x evolution graph view 1x force-directed approaches 1x force-directed drawing 1x gabriel graph 1x graph analysis 1x graph analytics 1x graph bundling 1x graph label placement 1x graph matching 1x graph products 1x graph search 1x graph semantics 1x graph splatting 1x graph theory 1x graph wavelets 1x graph-based visual analytics 1x graph-level operations 1x higraph 1x interactive graph visualization 1x large graph visualization 1x large network visualization 1x layered graphs 1x legal citation networks 1x minimum spanning trees 1x modular decomposition 1x multi-relational graph 1x multi-scale graphs 1x multimodal graphs 1x multiple line graphs 1x neighborhood graphs 1x neighborhood meta-data 1x nested graphs 1x network and tree 1x network diagrams 1x network evolution 1x network exploration 1x network layout visualization 1x network sampling 1x network schematics 1x node splatting 1x node-link layout 1x node-link representation 1x node-link visualization 1x pathfinder networks 1x power graph 1x power graph analysis 1x projected graph layouts 1x quasi-tree 1x radial graph layout 1x scale-free 1x scale-free network 1x self-organizing network 1x semantic edge bundling 1x semantic graph layout 1x trees and network visualization 1x triangulated irregular networks 1x urban network 1x