geographic information systems found in 6 VIS Papers
Conf. | Year ▴ | Title |
InfoVis | 2007 | Hotmap: Looking at Geographic Attention |
InfoVis | 2006 | Spatial Analysis of News Sources |
InfoVis | 2006 | Dynamic Map Labeling |
InfoVis | 2005 | Flow map layout |
Vis | 2002 | Evaluation of a multimodal interface for 3D terrain visualization |
Vis | 1995 | Automated generation of visual simulation databases using remote sensing and GIS |
geographic information systems co-occurs with 36 other keywords:
geographic visualization 2x classification 1x computational cartography 1x dynamic maps 1x evaluation 1x flow map 1x geographic databases 1x gesture recognition 1x heatmap 1x hierarchical clustering 1x human-computer interaction 1x human-computer interface 1x information analytics 1x label consistency 1x label filtering 1x label placement 1x label selection 1x level-of-detail 1x map labeling 1x mobile visualization 1x multimodal interaction 1x navigation 1x newspapers 1x online mapping systems 1x preprocessing 1x realtime 1x remote sensing 1x satellite images 1x server log analysis 1x social navigation 1x speech recognition 1x spidering 1x text and document visualization 1x virtual reality 1x visual simulation 1x web visualization 1x