feature extraction found in 21 VIS Papers
feature extraction co-occurs with 83 other keywords:
flow visualization 5x scientific visualization 4x unsteady flow visualization 3x image processing 2x unsteady flow 2x volume rendering 2x attribute calculation 1x biomedical image segmentation 1x climate modeling 1x clustering 1x collaborative development 1x computational fluid dynamics 1x computed tomography 1x computer vision 1x cooling jacket 1x critical points 1x data mining 1x defects 1x disclination 1x engine simulation 1x feature analysis 1x feature-based visualization 1x geometric flow 1x geometric modeling 1x gpu 1x hardware acceleration rendering 1x heat transfer 1x high-performance computing 1x iconic visualization 1x in situ analysis 1x interactive visualization 1x isosurface 1x knowledge discovery 1x level sets 1x line placement 1x mantle convection 1x mean-shift 1x mesoscale eddies 1x molecular dynamics 1x morphological segmentation 1x multi-resolution model 1x multi-scale representation 1x nematic liquid crystal 1x nondestructive testing and evaluation 1x ocean modeling 1x online analysis 1x particle motion 1x plumes 1x revision control 1x riemannian manifolds 1x scale space 1x scientific analytics 1x segmentation 1x simulation 1x smoothed particle hydrodynamics 1x software engineering 1x spatio-temporal predicates 1x statistical analysis 1x streak surface generation 1x streak surfaces 1x streaklines 1x supercomputing 1x surface modeling 1x surface representation 1x texture mapping 1x time-dependent flow fields 1x trajectory analysis 1x transfer function 1x triangle decimation 1x uncertainty 1x unstructured grid 1x unstructured meshes 1x user interface 1x vector field topology 1x vector field visualization 1x visual analytics 1x visualization 1x visualization systems 1x volume visualization 1x vortex core lines 1x vortex extraction 1x vortex regions 1x watershed transformation 1x