direct volume rendering found in 30 VIS Papers

Conf. Year Title
SciVis 2015 Visualizing Tensor Normal Distributions at Multiple Levels of Detail
SciVis 2015 Anisotropic Ambient Volume Shading
SciVis 2014 Predicate-Based Focus-and-Context Visualization for 3D Ultrasound
SciVis 2014 Low-Pass Filtered Volumetric Shadows
Vis 2013 Ambient Volume Scattering
Vis 2012 Visualization of Astronomical Nebulae via Distributed Multi-GPU Compressed Sensing Tomography
Vis 2012 Automatic Tuning of Spatially Varying Transfer Functions for Blood Vessel Visualization
Vis 2011 iView: A Feature Clustering Framework for Suggesting Informative Views in Volume Visualization
Vis 2011 An Efficient Direct Volume Rendering Approach for Dichromats
Vis 2010 Spatial Conditioning of Transfer Functions Using Local Material Distributions
Vis 2010 Direct Interval Volume Visualization
Vis 2010 VDVR: Verifiable Volume Visualization of Projection-Based Data
Vis 2010 Fast High-Quality Volume Ray Casting with Virtual Samplings
Vis 2009 Perception-Based Transparency Optimization for Direct Volume Rendering
Vis 2009 Volume Ray Casting with Peak finding and Differential Sampling
Vis 2006 A Generic and Scalable Pipeline for GPU Tetrahedral Grid Rendering
Vis 2005 A feature-driven approach to locating optimal viewpoints for volume visualization
Vis 2004 Light weight space leaping using ray coherence
Vis 2004 Hardware-accelerated adaptive EWA volume splatting
Vis 2004 Lighting transfer functions using gradient aligned sampling
Vis 2004 The VesselGlyph: focus & context visualization in CT-angiography
Vis 2003 HyperLIC
Vis 2003 Visualization of noisy and biased volume data using first and second order derivative techniques
Vis 2003 Adaptive design of a global opacity transfer function for direct volume rendering of ultrasound data
Vis 2001 Salient iso-surface detection with model-independent statistical signatures
Vis 2001 Interactive volume rendering using multi-dimensional transfer functions and direct manipulation widgets
Vis 2001 4D space-time techniques: a medical imaging case study
Vis 1999 Interactive exploration of volume line integral convolution based on 3D-texture mapping
Vis 1997 An anti-aliasing technique for splatting
Vis 1996 Hierarchical and parallelizable direct volume rendering for irregular and multiple grids

direct volume rendering co-occurs with 98 other keywords:

transfer function 6x isosurface 3x volume illumination 3x animation 2x interval volume 2x multi-dimensional transfer function 2x preintegration 2x raycasting 2x surface extraction 2x vessel visualization 2x volume visualization 2x 3d texture mapping 1x 3d ultrasound 1x 4d visualization 1x ambient scattering 1x animated lic 1x anisotropic shading 1x anisotropy 1x ant colony optimization 1x antialiasing 1x astronomical visualization 1x bias field 1x classification 1x computed tomography 1x computer graphics 1x curve interpolation 1x curved planar reformation 1x curvilinear grid 1x dichromacy 1x direct manipulation widgets 1x display algorithms 1x distributed volume reconstruction 1x dynamic spect 1x elliptical weighted average filter 1x empty space skipping 1x entropy 1x filtered back-projection 1x filtered shadows 1x flow visualization 1x focus+context technique 1x glyph 1x glyph-based visualization 1x gpu 1x gradient-free shading 1x graphics hardware 1x hardware acceleration 1x health 1x high quality 1x hyperstreamlines 1x image enhancement 1x image recoloring 1x interaction 1x interactive volume exploration 1x irregular grids 1x iso-values 1x k-d tree 1x k-means 1x layer perception 1x level set graphs 1x line integral convolution 1x magnetic resonance imaging 1x medical imaging 1x neighborhood meta-data 1x perspective projection 1x predicate function 1x preintegrated light transport 1x programmable graphics hardware 1x ray coherence 1x ray differentials 1x reconstruction 1x resampling 1x sampling 1x scale-invariant opacity 1x scanline 1x scientific visualization 1x set-cover problem 1x shading 1x soft shadows 1x space leaping 1x spatial conditioning 1x splatting 1x summed area table 1x symmetric tensors 1x tensor visualization 1x ultrasound 1x uncertainty visualization 1x unstructured grid 1x user interface 1x verifiable visualization 1x view suggestion 1x view-dependent 1x viewpoint entropy 1x viewpoint selection 1x virtual colonoscopy 1x volume classification 1x volume rendering 1x volume rendering acceleration 1x volume splatting 1x

direct volume rendering is part of the topic cluster Volume Rendering, Modeling, and Visualization containing 74 keywords
volume rendering 137x volume visualization 51x direct volume rendering 30x transfer function 24x multi-dimensional transfer function 5x volume deformation 5x volume modeling 5x transfer function design 4x volume illumination 4x interactive volume rendering 3x interval volume 3x volume data 3x volumetric data 3x interactive volume visualization 2x large volumes 2x multi-resolution volume 2x volume graphics 2x volume roaming 2x volume shading 2x volume splatting 2x volumes 2x voxelization 2x 3d texture-based volume rendering 1x compressed volume rendering 1x controlled-volume vaporization 1x distributed volume reconstruction 1x efficient volume rendering 1x higher-order volumetric functions 1x image-swept volume 1x indirect volume rendering 1x interacting with volumetric datasets 1x interactive large higher-order tetrahedral volume 1x interactive volume exploration 1x interactive volume illustration 1x interval volume rendering 1x large volume visualization 1x large volumetric data 1x large-scale volume rendering 1x mixing polygons and volumes 1x multi-volume rendering 1x multi-volume visualization 1x multimodal volume rendering 1x parallel and distributed volume visualization 1x partial volume voxels 1x pre-integrated volume rendering 1x spectral volume rendering 1x surface and volume illustration 1x temporal volume rendering 1x texture-based volume rendering 1x texture-based volume visualization 1x volume bricking 1x volume completion 1x volume compositing 1x volume csg 1x volume editing 1x volume exploration 1x volume fairing 1x volume fraction 1x volume gradient operator 1x volume manipulation 1x volume modelling and rendering 1x volume raycasting 1x volume reconstruction 1x volume reformation 1x volume subdivision 1x volume warping 1x volume-preserving mapping 1x volumetric collision 1x volumetric data reconstruction 1x volumetric environment 1x voxel arrays 1x voxel-based modeling 1x whole field modelling 1x x-ray volume rendering 1x