All papers that include at least one of these keywords:

Conf. Year Title
Vis 2013 A Lightweight Tangible 3D Interface for Interactive Visualization of Thin fiber Structures
Vis 2012 Augmented Topological Descriptors of Pore Networks for Material Science
Vis 2012 Interactive Volume Exploration of Petascale Microscopy Data Streams Using a Visualization-Driven Virtual Memory Approach
Vis 2011 Artificial Defocus for Displaying Markers in Microscopy Z-Stacks
Vis 2011 Interactive, Graph-based Visual Analysis of High-dimensional, Multi-parameter Fluorescence Microscopy Data in Toponomics
Vis 2009 An interactive visualization tool for multi-channel confocal microscopy data in neurobiology research
Vis 2008 Visualization of Cellular and Microvascular Relationships
Vis 2005 The software interface to the 3D-force microscope
Vis 2004 Topology visualization of the optical power flow through a novel C-shaped nano-aperture
Vis 2004 ImageSurfer: a tool for visualizing correlations between two volume scalar fields
Vis 1997 Pearls found on the way to the ideal interface for scanned probe microscopes