Topic cluster containing 61 keywords :
unstructured grid 11x
unstructured meshes 7x
delaunay triangulation 5x
irregular grids 5x
polygonal meshes 5x
triangular mesh 5x
mesh 4x
meshing 4x
tetrahedral meshes 4x
curvilinear grid 3x
face-centered cubic lattice 3x
lattice boltzmann model 3x
mesh generation 3x
adaptive mesh refinement data 2x
algebraic multigrid 2x
guaranteed quality triangulation 2x
lattice 2x
massive meshes 2x
mesh deformation 2x
polygonal surfaces 2x
projected tetrahedra 2x
tessellation 2x
tetrahedral grid 2x
tetrahedralization 2x
triangle bintree 2x
adaptive meshes 1x
body-centered cubic grid 1x
body-centered cubic lattice 1x
cartesian grid 1x
constrained delaunay triangulation 1x
delaunay 1x
dual meshes 1x
grids 1x
large meshes 1x
large unstructured grids 1x
loop's scheme 1x
mesh comparison 1x
mesh connectivity 1x
mesh decimation 1x
mesh partitioning 1x
mesh subdivision 1x
multi-resolution tetrahedal meshes 1x
multi-resolution triangulation 1x
non-rectilinear mesh 1x
non-regular triangulations 1x
polygon simplification 1x
polygonal mesh reduction 1x
polygonization 1x
polyhedral grids 1x
progressive meshes 1x
rectilinear grid 1x
semi-regular meshes 1x
semi-regular remeshing 1x
tetrahedra 1x
tetrahedral grid refinement 1x
tetrahedral partition 1x
triangle 1x
triangular and tetrahedral grid refinement 1x
unstructured mesh 1x
volume rendering of unstructured grids 1x
zoomable grid 1x
All papers that include at least one of these keywords: