All papers that include at least one of these keywords:

Conf. Year Title
SciVis 2015 Extracting, Tracking, and Visualizing Magnetic Flux Vortices in 3D Complex-Valued Superconductor Simulation Data
SciVis 2015 Interstitial and Interlayer Ion Diffusion Geometry Extraction in Graphitic Nanosphere Battery Materials
SciVis 2014 Visualization of Regular Maps: The Chase Continues
VAST 2014 YMCA - Your Mesh Comparison Application
InfoVis 2013 Selecting the Aspect Ratio of a Scatter Plot Based on Its Delaunay Triangulation
Vis 2013 Fast Generation of Virtual X-ray Images for Reconstruction of 3D Anatomy
InfoVis 2012 Capturing the Design Space of Sequential Space-filling Layouts
Vis 2012 A Novel Approach to Visualizing Dark Matter Simulations
Vis 2012 Interactive Retro-Deformation of Terrain for Reconstructing 3D Fault Displacements
Vis 2011 Visualization of AMR Data With Multi-Level Dual-Mesh Interpolation
Vis 2011 Interactive Volume Visualization of General Polyhedral Grids
Vis 2010 Gradient Estimation Revitalized
Vis 2010 Fast; Memory-Efficient Cell Location in Unstructured Grids for Visualization
InfoVis 2009 GeneShelf: A Web-based Visual Interface for Large Gene Expression Time-Series Data Repositories
Vis 2009 High-Quality, Semi-Analytical Volume Rendering for AMR Data
InfoVis 2008 Geometry-Based Edge Clustering for Graph Visualization
Vis 2008 Volume MLS Ray Casting
Vis 2008 Box Spline Reconstruction On The Face-Centered Cubic Lattice
Vis 2008 Particle-based Sampling and Meshing of Surfaces in Multimaterial Volumes
Vis 2007 Efficient Surface Reconstruction using Generalized Coulomb Potentials
Vis 2007 Construction of Simplified Boundary Surfaces from Serial-sectioned Metal Micrographs
Vis 2007 Lattice-Based Volumetric Global Illumination
Vis 2007 Scalable Hybrid Unstructured and Structured Grid Raycasting
Vis 2007 Topology, Accuracy, and Quality of Isosurface Meshes Using Dynamic Particles
Vis 2007 Interactive Isosurface Ray Tracing of Time-Varying Tetrahedral Volumes
Vis 2006 Detection and Visualization of Defects in 3D Unstructured Models of Nematic Liquid Crystals
Vis 2006 Out-of-Core Remeshing of Large Polygonal Meshes
Vis 2006 Progressive Volume Rendering of Large Unstructured Grids
Vis 2006 A Generic and Scalable Pipeline for GPU Tetrahedral Grid Rendering
Vis 2005 Framework for visualizing higher-order basis functions
Vis 2005 Interactive rendering of large unstructured grids using dynamic level-of-detail
Vis 2005 Rendering tetrahedral meshes with higher-order attenuation functions for digital radiograph reconstruction
Vis 2005 Prefiltered Gaussian reconstruction for high-quality rendering of volumetric data sampled on a body-centered cubic grid
Vis 2005 VolQD: direct volume rendering of multi-million atom quantum dot simulations
Vis 2005 Quality mesh generation for molecular skin surfaces using restricted union of balls
Vis 2005 Marching diamonds for unstructured meshes
Vis 2005 Farthest point seeding for efficient placement of streamlines
Vis 2004 Linear and cubic box splines for the body centered cubic lattice
Vis 2004 Projecting tetrahedra without rendering artifacts
Vis 2004 Flow field clustering via algebraic multigrid
Vis 2004 Visualizing gyrokinetic simulations
Vis 2004 Radial hermite operators for scattered point cloud data with normal vectors and applications to implicitizing polygon mesh surfaces for generalized CSG operations and smoothing
Vis 2004 TetSplat: real-time rendering and volume clipping of large unstructured tetrahedral meshes
Vis 2004 Guaranteed quality triangulation of molecular skin surfaces
Vis 2004 Dual marching cubes
Vis 2004 Dispersion simulation and visualization for urban security
Vis 2003 MC*: star functions for marching cubes
Vis 2003 Real-time refinement and simplification of adaptive triangular meshes
Vis 2003 Feature-space analysis of unstructured meshes
Vis 2003 Out-of-core isosurface extraction of time-varying fields over irregular grids
Vis 2003 Voxels on fire
Vis 2003 Hardware-based ray casting for tetrahedral meshes
Vis 2003 Visualization of volume data with quadratic super splines
Vis 2003 Large mesh simplification using processing sequences
InfoVis 2002 ACE: a fast multiscale eigenvectors computation for drawing huge graphs
Vis 2002 A multiphase approach to efficient surface simplification
Vis 2002 TetFusion: an algorithm for rapid tetrahedral mesh simplification
Vis 2002 Compressing polygon mesh geometry with parallelogram prediction
Vis 2002 Simulating fire with texture splats
Vis 2002 Fast view-dependent level-of-detail rendering using cached geometry
Vis 2002 Bounded-distortion piecewise mesh parameterization
Vis 2002 QuadTIN: quadtree based triangulated irregular networks
Vis 2002 Approximating normals for marching cubes applied to locally supported isosurfaces
Vis 2002 Interactive view-dependent rendering of large isosurfaces
Vis 2002 Immersive volume visualization of seismic simulations: A case study of techniques invented and lessons learned
Vis 2002 A case study on multiresolution visualization of local rainfall from weather radar measurements
Vis 2002 Rendering the first star in the Universe - A case study
Vis 2001 Hybrid simplification: combining multi-resolution polygon and point rendering
Vis 2001 Undersampling and oversampling in sample based shape modeling
Vis 2001 Optimal regular volume sampling
Vis 2001 A simple algorithm for surface denoising
Vis 2001 Efficient Adaptive Simplification of Massive Meshes
Vis 2001 Connectivity shapes
Vis 2001 A tetrahedra-based stream surface algorithm
Vis 2001 Continuous topology simplification of planar vector fields
Vis 2001 Circular incident edge lists: a data structure for rendering complex unstructured grids
Vis 2001 A complete distance field representation
Vis 2001 Normal bounds for subdivision-surface interference detection
Vis 2000 Simplification of tetrahedral meshes with accurate error evaluation
Vis 2000 On-the-fly rendering of losslessly compressed irregular volume data
Vis 2000 Hardware-accelerated volume and isosurface rendering based on cell-projection
Vis 2000 Simplification of surface annotations
Vis 2000 Topology preserving and controlled topology simplifying multiresolution isosurface extraction
Vis 2000 Semi-regular mesh extraction from volumes
Vis 2000 Geometric compression for interactive transmission
Vis 2000 Polyhedral modeling
Vis 1999 New quadric metric for simplifying meshes with appearance attributes
Vis 1999 Progressive Compression of Arbitrary Triangular Meshes
Vis 1999 Efficient compression of non-manifold polygonal meshes
Vis 1999 Enabling Classification and Shading for 3D Texture Mapping based Volume Rendering using OpenGL and Extensions
Vis 1999 Implant sprays: compression of progressive tetrahedral mesh connectivity
Vis 1998 Accelerated ray-casting for curvilinear volumes
Vis 1998 Simplification of tetrahedral meshes
Vis 1998 Converting sets of polygons to manifold surfaces by cutting and stitching
Vis 1998 Progressive tetrahedralizations
Vis 1998 Level of detail visualization of scalar data sets on irregular surface meshes
Vis 1998 Efficient co-triangulation of large data sets
Vis 1998 Image-guided streamline placement on curvilinear grid surfaces
Vis 1997 ROAMing terrain: Real-time Optimally Adapting Meshes
Vis 1997 Multiresolution tetrahedral framework for visualizing regular volume data
Vis 1997 Efficient subdivision of finite-element datasets into consistent tetrahedra
Vis 1997 Image synthesis from a sparse set of views
Vis 1997 Multiresolution compression and reconstruction
Vis 1997 Smooth hierarchical surface triangulations
Vis 1996 Hierarchical and parallelizable direct volume rendering for irregular and multiple grids