All papers that include at least one of these keywords:

Conf. Year Title
VAST 2014 TopicPanorama: A Full Picture of Relevant Topics
VAST 2014 OpinionFlow: Visual Analysis of Opinion Diffusion on Social Media
InfoVis 2013 StoryFlow: Tracking the Evolution of Stories
Vis 2006 LOD Map - A Visual Interface for Navigating Multiresolution Volume Visualization
Vis 2006 Progressive Volume Rendering of Large Unstructured Grids
Vis 2005 Interactive rendering of large unstructured grids using dynamic level-of-detail
Vis 2005 Interpolation and visualization for advected scalar fields
Vis 2004 Quick-VDR: interactive view-dependent rendering of massive models
Vis 2004 Importance-driven volume rendering
Vis 2004 Adaptive 4-8 texture hierarchies
Vis 2004 TexMol: interactive visual exploration of large flexible multi-component molecular complexes
Vis 2004 LoD volume rendering of FEA data
Vis 2003 Real-time refinement and simplification of adaptive triangular meshes
Vis 2003 Interactive view-dependent rendering with conservative occlusion culling in complex environments
Vis 2003 Appearance-preserving view-dependent visualization
InfoVis 2002 Process visualization with levels of detail
Vis 2002 Interactive rendering of large volume data sets
Vis 2002 Out-of-core rendering of massive geometric environments
Vis 2002 Optimized view-dependent rendering for large polygonal datasets
Vis 2002 TetFusion: an algorithm for rapid tetrahedral mesh simplification
Vis 2002 PMR: point to mesh rendering, a feature-based approach
Vis 2002 Interactive visualization of complex plant ecosystems
Vis 2002 Fast view-dependent level-of-detail rendering using cached geometry
Vis 2002 XFastMesh: fast view-dependent meshing from external memory
Vis 2002 QuadTIN: quadtree based triangulated irregular networks
Vis 2002 Immersive volume visualization of seismic simulations: A case study of techniques invented and lessons learned
Vis 2002 A case study on multiresolution visualization of local rainfall from weather radar measurements
Vis 2001 POP: A Hybrid Point and Polygon Rendering System for Large Data
Vis 2001 Approximate shading for the re-illumination of synthetic images
Vis 2001 Volume Rendering of Fine Details Within Medical Data
Vis 2001 Case study on real-time visualization of virtual Tubingen on commodity PC hardware
Vis 2000 Enabling level-of-detail matching for exterior scene synthesis
Vis 2000 Texturing techniques for terrain visualization
Vis 2000 Topology preserving and controlled topology simplifying multiresolution isosurface extraction
Vis 1999 New quadric metric for simplifying meshes with appearance attributes
Vis 1999 Time-critical Multiresolution Scene Rendering
Vis 1999 LOD-sprite technique for accelerated terrain rendering
Vis 1998 Simplifying surfaces with color and texture using quadric error metrics
Vis 1998 A unified approach for simplifying polygonal and spline models
Vis 1998 Interpolation of triangle hierarchies
Vis 1998 Progressive tetrahedralizations
Vis 1998 A general method for preserving attribute values on simplified meshes
Vis 1997 Visualization of large terrains in resource-limited computing environments
Vis 1997 Multiresolution tetrahedral framework for visualizing regular volume data
Vis 1997 Smooth hierarchical surface triangulations
Vis 1997 Simplifying polygonal models using successive mappings
Vis 1996 Mesh reduction with error control
Vis 1995 Automated generation of visual simulation databases using remote sensing and GIS