SciVis |
2015 |
Isosurface Visualization of Data with Nonparametric Models for Uncertainty
Vis |
2013 |
Uncertainty Quantification in Linear Interpolation for Isosurface Extraction
Vis |
2012 |
ElVis: A System for the Accurate and Interactive Visualization of High-Order finite Element Solutions
Vis |
2011 |
GPU-Based Interactive Cut-Surface Extraction From High-Order finite Element fields
Vis |
2011 |
Visualization of AMR Data With Multi-Level Dual-Mesh Interpolation
Vis |
2011 |
Symmetry in Scalar field Topology
2010 |
A Visual Analytics approach to identifying protein structural constraints
Vis |
2010 |
On the Fractal Dimension of Isosurfaces
Vis |
2010 |
Direct Interval Volume Visualization
Vis |
2009 |
Loop surgery for volumetric meshes: Reeb graphs reduced to contour trees
Vis |
2009 |
Verifiable Visualization for Isosurface Extraction
Vis |
2009 |
Time and Streak Surfaces for Flow Visualization in Large Time-Varying Data Sets
Vis |
2009 |
Isosurface Extraction and View-Dependent filtering from Time-Varying fields Using Persistent Time-Octree (PTOT)
Vis |
2009 |
Interactive Visualization of Molecular Surface Dynamics
Vis |
2009 |
Kd-Jump: a Path-Preserving Stackless Traversal for Faster Isosurface Raytracing on GPUs
Vis |
2009 |
Volume Ray Casting with Peak finding and Differential Sampling
Vis |
2009 |
Decoupling Illumination from Isosurface Generation Using 4D Light Transport
Vis |
2008 |
Generation of Accurate Integral Surfaces in Time-Dependent Vector fields
Vis |
2008 |
Surface Extraction from Multi-field Particle Volume Data Using Multi-dimensional Cluster Visualization
Vis |
2008 |
Smooth Surface Extraction from Unstructured Point-based Volume Data Using PDEs
Vis |
2008 |
Edge Groups: An Approach to Understanding the Mesh Quality of Marching Methods
Vis |
2008 |
Revisiting Histograms and Isosurface Statistics
Vis |
2007 |
Surface Extraction from Multi-Material Components for Metrology using Dual Energy CT
Vis |
2007 |
Construction of Simplified Boundary Surfaces from Serial-sectioned Metal Micrographs
Vis |
2007 |
Topology, Accuracy, and Quality of Isosurface Meshes Using Dynamic Particles
Vis |
2007 |
Visualization of Cosmological Particle-Based Datasets
Vis |
2007 |
Interactive Isosurface Ray Tracing of Time-Varying Tetrahedral Volumes
Vis |
2006 |
High-Quality Extraction of Isosurfaces from Regular and Irregular Grids
Vis |
2006 |
On Histograms and Isosurface Statistics
Vis |
2006 |
Interactive Point-based Isosurface Exploration and High-quality Rendering
Vis |
2006 |
Using Difference Intervals for Time-Varying Isosurface Visualization
Vis |
2006 |
Isosurface Extraction and Spatial filtering using Persistent Octree (POT)
Vis |
2005 |
Scale-invariant volume rendering
Vis |
2005 |
Marching diamonds for unstructured meshes
Vis |
2004 |
Radial hermite operators for scattered point cloud data with normal vectors and applications to implicitizing polygon mesh surfaces for generalized CSG operations and smoothing
Vis |
2004 |
Efficient point-based isosurface exploration using the span-triangle
Vis |
2004 |
Volume refinement fairing isosurfaces
Vis |
2004 |
Interactive point-based isosurface extraction
Vis |
2004 |
Detection and visualization of anomalous structures in molecular dynamics simulation data
Vis |
2004 |
Dual marching cubes
Vis |
2004 |
Simplifying flexible isosurfaces using local geometric measures
Vis |
2004 |
STEPS - an application for simulation of transsphenoidal endonasal pituitary surgery
Vis |
2003 |
Exploring curved anatomic structures with surface sections
Vis |
2003 |
Counting cases in marching cubes: toward a generic algorithm for producing substitopes
Vis |
2003 |
MC*: star functions for marching cubes
Vis |
2003 |
Extraction of topologically simple isosurfaces from volume datasets
Vis |
2003 |
Feature-sensitive subdivision and isosurface reconstruction
Vis |
2003 |
Space efficient fast isosurface extraction for large datasets
Vis |
2003 |
Volume tracking using higher dimensional isosurfacing
Vis |
2003 |
Out-of-core isosurface extraction of time-varying fields over irregular grids
Vis |
2003 |
Visualization of noisy and biased volume data using first and second order derivative techniques
Vis |
2003 |
Visualization of volume data with quadratic super splines
Vis |
2003 |
Visualization of steep breaking waves and thin spray sheets around a ship
Vis |
2002 |
Direct surface extraction from 3D freehand ultrasound images
Vis |
2002 |
Exploring scalar fields using critical isovalues
Vis |
2002 |
Efficient computation of the topology of level sets
Vis |
2002 |
Approximating normals for marching cubes applied to locally supported isosurfaces
Vis |
2002 |
Volume warping for adaptive isosurface extraction
Vis |
2002 |
Interactive view-dependent rendering of large isosurfaces
Vis |
2002 |
A case study on multiresolution visualization of local rainfall from weather radar measurements
Vis |
2001 |
Circular incident edge lists: a data structure for rendering complex unstructured grids
Vis |
2001 |
Fast detection of meaningful isosurfaces for volume data visualization
Vis |
2001 |
Salient iso-surface detection with model-independent statistical signatures
Vis |
2001 |
Wavelet representation of contour sets
Vis |
2001 |
Variational classification for visualization of 3D ultrasound data
Vis |
2001 |
4D space-time techniques: a medical imaging case study
Vis |
2000 |
A visibility determination algorithm for interactive virtual endoscopy
Vis |
2000 |
Hardware-accelerated volume and isosurface rendering based on cell-projection
Vis |
2000 |
Semi-regular mesh extraction from volumes
Vis |
2000 |
Constructing material interfaces from data sets with volume-fraction information
Vis |
2000 |
Interior/exterior classification of polygonal models
Vis |
1999 |
Isosurface extraction techniques for Web-based volume visualization
Vis |
1999 |
Isosurface extraction in time-varying fields using a Temporal Branch-on-Need Tree (T-BON)
Vis |
1998 |
Extremal feature extraction from 3-D vector and noisy scalar fields
Vis |
1998 |
Isosurface extraction in time-varying fields using a temporal hierarchical index tree
Vis |
1998 |
Interactive out-of-core isosurface extraction
Vis |
1997 |
Multiresolution tetrahedral framework for visualizing regular volume data
Vis |
1997 |
Efficient subdivision of finite-element datasets into consistent tetrahedra
Vis |
1997 |
Multiresolution compression and reconstruction
Vis |
1996 |
Real-time slicing of data space
Vis |
1995 |
Interval volume: a solid fitting technique for volumetric data display and analysis