InfoVis |
2015 |
How do People Make Sense of Unfamiliar Visualizations?: A Grounded Model of Novice's Information Visualization Sensemaking
InfoVis |
2015 |
Improving Bayesian Reasoning: The Effects of Phrasing, Visualization, and Spatial Ability
InfoVis |
2015 |
Orientation-Enhanced Parallel Coordinate Plots
2015 |
The Role of Uncertainty, Awareness, and Trust in Visual Analytics
InfoVis |
2014 |
Constructing Visual Representations: Investigating the Use of Tangible Tokens
InfoVis |
2014 |
Activity Sculptures: Exploring the Impact of Physical Visualizations on Running Activity
InfoVis |
2014 |
MovExp: A Versatile Visualization Tool for Human-Computer Interaction Studies with 3D Performance and Biomechanical Data
2014 |
PEARL: An Interactive Visual Analytic Tool for Understanding Personal Emotion Style Derived from Social Media
InfoVis |
2013 |
Visualizing Request-Flow Comparison to Aid Performance Diagnosis in Distributed Systems
InfoVis |
2013 |
Evaluation of filesystem Provenance Visualization Tools
InfoVis |
2012 |
Interaction Support for Visual Comparison Inspired by Natural Behavior
InfoVis |
2012 |
Understanding Pen and Touch Interaction for Data Exploration on Interactive Whiteboards
InfoVis |
2012 |
SnapShot: Visualization to Propel Ice Hockey Analytics
2012 |
Visual Classifier Training for Text Document Retrieval
2012 |
An Affordance-Based Framework for Human Computation and Human-Computer Collaboration
Vis |
2012 |
Human Computation in Visualization: Using Purpose Driven Games for Robust Evaluation of Visualization Algorithms
InfoVis |
2011 |
Benefitting InfoVis with Visual Difficulties
InfoVis |
2011 |
Human-Centered Approaches in Geovisualization Design: Investigating Multiple Methods Through a Long-Term Case Study
InfoVis |
2011 |
Visual Thinking In Action: Visualizations As Used On Whiteboards
2011 |
Interactive decision making using dissimilarity to visually represented prototypes
2011 |
A two-stage framework for designing visual analytics system in organizational environments
Vis |
2011 |
WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) Volume Visualization
Vis |
2011 |
Crepuscular Rays for Tumor Accessibility Planning
InfoVis |
2010 |
How Information Visualization Novices Construct Visualizations
InfoVis |
2010 |
ManiWordle: Providing Flexible Control over Wordle
Vis |
2010 |
TanGeoMS: Tangible Geospatial Modeling System
InfoVis |
2009 |
Comparing Dot and Landscape Spatializations for Visual Memory Differences
InfoVis |
2009 |
Temporal Summaries: Supporting Temporal Categorical Searching, Aggregation and Comparison
InfoVis |
2009 |
SpicyNodes: Radial Layout Authoring for the General Public
2009 |
"What's being said near ""Martha""? Exploring name entities in literary text collections"
InfoVis |
2008 |
Who Votes For What? A Visual Query Language for Opinion Data
2008 |
Configurable Spaces: Temporal analysis in diagrammatic contexts
2007 |
Stories in GeoTime
InfoVis |
2006 |
Dynamic Map Labeling
2006 |
NetLens: Iterative Exploration of Content-Actor Network Data
2006 |
Collaborative Visual Analytics: Inferring from the Spatial Organization and Collaborative Use of Information
2006 |
Scentindex: Conceptually Reorganizing Subject Indexes for Reading
Vis |
2006 |
Visual Signatures in Video Visualization
Vis |
2006 |
Texturing of Layered Surfaces for Optimal Viewing
InfoVis |
2005 |
Baby names, visualization, and social data analysis
Vis |
2005 |
Understanding visualization through spatial ability differences
Vis |
2003 |
A constraint-based technique for haptic volume exploration
Vis |
2002 |
Case study: A virtual environment for genomic data visualization
InfoVis |
2000 |
Creativity, complexity, and precision: information visualization for (landscape) architecture
Vis |
2000 |
Navigating high-dimensional spaces to support design steering
InfoVis |
1999 |
Domain analysis: a technique to design a user-centered visualization framework
InfoVis |
1996 |
Visage: a user interface environment for exploring information
Vis |
1993 |
InfoCrystal: A visual tool for information retrieval
Vis |
1991 |
Cooperative, computer-aided design of scientific visualizations