SciVis |
2014 |
Vivaldi: A Domain-Specific Language for Volume Processing and Visualization on Distributed Heterogeneous Systems
Vis |
2013 |
Fast Generation of Virtual X-ray Images for Reconstruction of 3D Anatomy
Vis |
2012 |
Coherency-Based Curve Compression for High-Order finite Element Model Visualization
Vis |
2011 |
Extinction-Based Shading and Illumination in GPU Volume Ray-Casting
Vis |
2011 |
GPU-Based Interactive Cut-Surface Extraction From High-Order finite Element fields
Vis |
2011 |
GPU-based Real-Time Approximation of the Ablation Zone for Radiofrequency Ablation
Vis |
2011 |
Interactive Volume Visualization of General Polyhedral Grids
Vis |
2011 |
Image Plane Sweep Volume Illumination
Vis |
2011 |
Interactive Multiscale Tensor Reconstruction for Multiresolution Volume Visualization
2010 |
A Visual Analytics approach to identifying protein structural constraints
Vis |
2010 |
Special Relativistic Visualization by Local Ray Tracing
Vis |
2010 |
Illustrative Stream Surfaces
Vis |
2010 |
Interactive Histology of Large-Scale Biomedical Image Stacks
Vis |
2010 |
Fast High-Quality Volume Ray Casting with Virtual Samplings
Vis |
2010 |
Efficient High-Quality Volume Rendering of SPH Data
Vis |
2010 |
Interactive Separating Streak Surfaces
InfoVis |
2009 |
Towards Utilizing GPUs in Information Visualization: A Model and Implementation of Image-Space Operations
Vis |
2009 |
Interactive Streak Surface Visualization on the GPU
Vis |
2009 |
Interactive Visualization of Molecular Surface Dynamics
Vis |
2009 |
Stress Tensor field Visualization for Implant Planning in Orthopedics
Vis |
2009 |
Kd-Jump: a Path-Preserving Stackless Traversal for Faster Isosurface Raytracing on GPUs
Vis |
2009 |
Mapping High-fidelity Volume Rendering for Medical Imaging to CPU, GPU and Many-Core Architectures
Vis |
2009 |
Interactive Volume Rendering of Functional Representations in Quantum Chemistry
Vis |
2008 |
Size-based Transfer Functions: A New Volume Exploration Technique
Vis |
2008 |
Direct Volume Editing
InfoVis |
2007 |
Multi-Level Graph Layout on the GPU
Vis |
2007 |
Visualizing Whole-Brain DTI Tractography with GPU-based Tuboids and LoD Management
Vis |
2007 |
Lattice-Based Volumetric Global Illumination
Vis |
2006 |
ClearView: An Interactive Context Preserving Hotspot Visualization Technique
Vis |
2006 |
Feature Aligned Volume Manipulation for Illustration and Visualization
Vis |
2006 |
Visual Signatures in Video Visualization
Vis |
2006 |
Visualization of fibrous and Thread-like Data
Vis |
2006 |
Interactive Point-based Isosurface Exploration and High-quality Rendering
Vis |
2006 |
Representing Higher-Order Singularities in Vector fields on Piecewise Linear Surfaces
Vis |
2006 |
A Generic and Scalable Pipeline for GPU Tetrahedral Grid Rendering
Vis |
2005 |
The application of GPU particle tracing to diffusion tensor field visualization
Vis |
2005 |
A shader-based parallel rendering framework
Vis |
2005 |
VolumeExplorer: roaming large volumes to couple visualization and data processing for oil and gas exploration
Vis |
2005 |
VolQD: direct volume rendering of multi-million atom quantum dot simulations
Vis |
2005 |
Hardware-accelerated 3D visualization of mass spectrometry data
Vis |
2005 |
Particle and texture based spatiotemporal visualization of time-dependent vector fields
Vis |
2005 |
Texture-based visualization of uncertainty in flow fields
Vis |
2004 |
Projecting tetrahedra without rendering artifacts
Vis |
2004 |
TexMol: interactive visual exploration of large flexible multi-component molecular complexes
Vis |
2004 |
Rendering planar cuts through quadratic and cubic finite elements
Vis |
2004 |
Pixel-exact rendering of spacetime finite element solutions
Vis |
2004 |
Dispersion simulation and visualization for urban security
Vis |
2003 |
Interactive deformation and visualization of level set surfaces using graphics hardware
Vis |
2003 |
Fast volume segmentation with simultaneous visualization using programmable graphics hardware
Vis |
2003 |
Voxels on fire
Vis |
2003 |
Acceleration techniques for GPU-based volume rendering
Vis |
2003 |
Hardware-based ray casting for tetrahedral meshes
Vis |
2002 |
NASA's great zooms: a case study
Vis |
2001 |
Case study on real-time visualization of virtual Tubingen on commodity PC hardware