InfoVis |
2015 |
SchemeLens: A Content-Aware Vector-Based Fisheye Technique for Navigating Large Systems Diagrams
InfoVis |
2015 |
TimeNotes: A Study on Effective Chart Visualization and Interaction Techniques for Time-Series Data
InfoVis |
2014 |
NeuroLines: A Subway Map Metaphor for Visualizing Nanoscale Neuronal Connectivity
SciVis |
2014 |
Combined Visualization of Wall Thickness and Wall Shear Stress for the Evaluation of Aneurysms
SciVis |
2014 |
Trend-Centric Motion Visualization: Designing and Applying a New Strategy for Analyzing Scientific Motion Collections
2014 |
YMCA - Your Mesh Comparison Application
2013 |
VAICo: Visual Analysis for Image Comparison
Vis |
2013 |
Acuity-Driven Gigapixel Visualization
InfoVis |
2012 |
Algorithms for Labeling Focus Regions
InfoVis |
2011 |
In Situ Exploration of Large Dynamic Networks
InfoVis |
2011 |
Exploratory Analysis of Time-Series with ChronoLenses
InfoVis |
2011 |
CloudLines: Compact Display of Event Episodes in Multiple Time-Series
InfoVis |
2011 |
Focus+Context Metro Maps
InfoVis |
2011 |
Drawing Road Networks with Focus Regions
InfoVis |
2011 |
MoleView: An Attribute and Structure-Based Semantic Lens for Large Element-Based Plots
Vis |
2011 |
The FLOWLENS: A Focus-and-Context Visualization Approach for Exploration of Blood Flow in Cerebral Aneurysms
InfoVis |
2010 |
SignalLens: Focus+Context Applied to Electronic Time Series
2010 |
Geo-historical context support for information foraging and sensemaking: Conceptual model, implementation, and assessment
Vis |
2010 |
Visualizing Flow Trajectories Using Locality-based Rendering and Warped Curve Plots
InfoVis |
2009 |
Search, Show Context, Expand on Demand: Supporting Large Graph Exploration with Degree-of-Interest
InfoVis |
2009 |
SpicyNodes: Radial Layout Authoring for the General Public
Vis |
2009 |
Focus+Context Route Zooming and Information Overlay in 3D Urban Environments
InfoVis |
2008 |
Balloon Focus: a Seamless Multi-Focus+Context Method for Treemaps
InfoVis |
2008 |
Multi-Focused Geospatial Analysis Using Probes
InfoVis |
2008 |
Interactive Visual Analysis of Set-Typed Data
Vis |
2008 |
Focus+Context Visualization with Distortion Minimization
InfoVis |
2007 |
Overview Use in Multiple Visual Information Resolution Interfaces
Vis |
2007 |
Illustrative Deformation for Data Exploration
Vis |
2007 |
Semantic Layers for Illustrative Volume Rendering
Vis |
2007 |
Scalable Hybrid Unstructured and Structured Grid Raycasting
InfoVis |
2006 |
Enabling Automatic Clutter Reduction in Parallel Coordinate Plots
InfoVis |
2006 |
User Interaction with Scatterplots on Small Screens - A Comparative Evaluation of Geometric-Semantic Zoom and fisheye Distortion
InfoVis |
2006 |
Complex Logarithmic Views for Small Details in Large Contexts
Vis |
2006 |
Outlier-Preserving Focus+Context Visualization in Parallel Coordinates
Vis |
2006 |
Composite Rectilinear Deformation for Stretch and Squish Navigation
Vis |
2006 |
Multi-variate, Time Varying, and Comparative Visualization with Contextual Cues
Vis |
2006 |
Importance-Driven Focus of Attention
Vis |
2006 |
ClearView: An Interactive Context Preserving Hotspot Visualization Technique
Vis |
2006 |
Caricaturistic Visualization
InfoVis |
2005 |
PRISAD: a partitioned rendering infrastructure for scalable accordion drawing
InfoVis |
2005 |
Elastic hierarchies: combining treemaps and node-link diagrams
InfoVis |
2005 |
An evaluation of content browsing techniques for hierarchical space-filling visualizations
InfoVis |
2005 |
Two-tone pseudo coloring: compact visualization for one-dimensional data
Vis |
2005 |
High dynamic range volume visualization
Vis |
2005 |
The magic volume lens: an interactive focus+context technique for volume rendering
Vis |
2005 |
VolumeShop: an interactive system for direct volume illustration
InfoVis |
2004 |
Expand-Ahead: A Space-Filling Strategy for Browsing Trees
InfoVis |
2004 |
Topological Fisheye Views for Visualizing Large Graphs
Vis |
2004 |
Importance-driven volume rendering
Vis |
2004 |
The VesselGlyph: focus & context visualization in CT-angiography
Vis |
2004 |
PQuad: visualization of predicted peptides and proteins
InfoVis |
2003 |
Edgelens: an interactive method for managing edge congestion in graphs
InfoVis |
2003 |
MoireGraphs: radial focus+context visualization and interaction for graphs with visual nodes
InfoVis |
2003 |
Visualization of large-scale customer satisfaction surveys using a parallel coordinate tree
InfoVis |
2003 |
FundExplorer: supporting the diversification of mutual fund portfolios using context treemaps
InfoVis |
2002 |
Process visualization with levels of detail
InfoVis |
2002 |
InterRing: an interactive tool for visually navigating and manipulating hierarchical structures
InfoVis |
2002 |
Angular brushing of extended parallel coordinates
Vis |
2002 |
GeneVis: visualization tools for genetic regulatory network dynamics
InfoVis |
2001 |
Semantic depth of field
InfoVis |
2000 |
Creativity, complexity, and precision: information visualization for (landscape) architecture
InfoVis |
1999 |
A framework for focus+context visualization
InfoVis |
1997 |
On integrating visualization techniques for effective software exploration
InfoVis |
1997 |
Nonlinear magnification fields
InfoVis |
1997 |
Managing multiple focal levels in Table Lens
InfoVis |
1996 |
Distortion viewing techniques for 3-dimensional data
Vis |
1996 |
Cheops: a compact explorer for complex hierarchies
Vis |
1996 |
Case Study: Visual access for landscape event based temporal data