All papers that include at least one of these keywords:

Conf. Year Title
SciVis 2015 Explicit Frequency Control for High-Quality Texture-Based Flow Visualization
VAST 2013 ScatterBlogs2: Real-Time Monitoring of Microblog Messages through User-Guided filtering
InfoVis 2011 MoleView: An Attribute and Structure-Based Semantic Lens for Large Element-Based Plots
Vis 2011 Voronoi-Based Extraction and Visualization of Molecular Paths
Vis 2009 Isosurface Extraction and View-Dependent filtering from Time-Varying fields Using Persistent Time-Octree (PTOT)
InfoVis 2008 On the Visualization of Social and other Scale-Free Networks
Vis 2005 VolQD: direct volume rendering of multi-million atom quantum dot simulations
Vis 2005 Strategy for seeding 3D streamlines
InfoVis 2004 Metric-Based Network Exploration and Multiscale Scatterplot
Vis 2004 Methods for efficient, high quality volume resampling in the frequency domain
Vis 2004 Hardware-accelerated adaptive EWA volume splatting
Vis 2004 Rough interface reconstruction using the level set method
InfoVis 2003 Interactive hierarchical dimension ordering, spacing and filtering for exploration of high dimensional datasets
Vis 2003 Hardware-based nonlinear filtering and segmentation using high-level shading languages
Vis 2003 Heart-muscle fiber reconstruction from diffusion tensor MRI
Vis 2002 Oriented tensor reconstruction: tracing neural pathways from diffusion tensor MRI
Vis 1999 Forward image mapping
Vis 1997 A comparison of normal estimation schemes
Vis 1997 Principal stream surfaces
Vis 1993 Volume sampled voxelization of geometric primitives