Topic cluster containing 30 keywords :
calibration 4x
multi-projector displays 4x
display 2x
photometric calibration 2x
auto-calibration 1x
autostereoscopic display 1x
autostereoscopy 1x
computer-generated holograms 1x
display characteristics 1x
display optimization 1x
electro-holography 1x
filtered back-projection 1x
head-mounted displays 1x
holographic video 1x
immersive display 1x
intensity blending 1x
multi-projector 1x
pda 1x
photometric correction 1x
projector graphics 1x
projector-camera systems 1x
projectors 1x
small screen 1x
stereo 1x
stereo displays 1x
stereo graphics 1x
stereopsis 1x
stereoscopic and monoscopic viewing 1x
stereoscopic field analyzer sfa 1x
superimposed projection 1x
All papers that include at least one of these keywords: