SciVis |
2014 |
Visualization of Regular Maps: The Chase Continues
2014 |
Visual Abstraction and Exploration of Multi-class Scatterplots
InfoVis |
2012 |
Interactive Level-of-Detail Rendering of Large Graphs
InfoVis |
2006 |
Worldmapper: The World as You've Never Seen it Before
Vis |
2006 |
Occlusion-Free Animation of Driving Routes for Car Navigation Systems
Vis |
2005 |
Visualization in the Einstein Year 2005: a case study on explanatory and illustrative visualization of relativity and astrophysics
InfoVis |
2004 |
The InfoVis Toolkit
Vis |
2004 |
TexMol: interactive visual exploration of large flexible multi-component molecular complexes
Vis |
2004 |
Surface reconstruction of noisy and defective data sets
Vis |
2004 |
Optimal global conformal surface parameterization
Vis |
2004 |
Light Collages: lighting design for effective visualization
Vis |
2004 |
LoD volume rendering of FEA data
Vis |
2003 |
Signed distance transform using graphics hardware
Vis |
2003 |
Piecewise C1 continuous surface reconstruction of noisy point clouds via local implicit quadric regression
Vis |
2003 |
3D IBFV: hardware-accelerated 3D flow visualization
Vis |
2003 |
Voxels on fire
Vis |
2003 |
A frequency-sensitive point hierarchy for images and volumes
Vis |
2003 |
Herarchical splatting of scattered data
Vis |
2002 |
Fast view-dependent level-of-detail rendering using cached geometry
Vis |
2002 |
BLIC: Bi-Level Isosurface Compression
Vis |
2002 |
Case study: Interactive rendering of adaptive mesh refinement data
Vis |
2002 |
A case study on the applications of a generic library for low-cost polychromatic passive stereo
Vis |
2001 |
EWA volume splatting
Vis |
2001 |
The perspective shear-warp algorithm in a virtual environment
Vis |
2001 |
A complete distance field representation
Vis |
2001 |
Variational classification for visualization of 3D ultrasound data
Vis |
2001 |
Case study: an environment for understanding protein simulations using game graphics
Vis |
2000 |
Six degree-of-freedom haptic display of polygonal models
Vis |
2000 |
Hardware-accelerated texture advection for unsteady flow visualization
Vis |
2000 |
Fast visualization methods for comparing dynamics: a case study in combustion
Vis |
2000 |
Visualizing volume data using physical models
Vis |
1999 |
Forward image mapping
Vis |
1999 |
Interactive lens visualization techniques
Vis |
1999 |
Enabling Classification and Shading for 3D Texture Mapping based Volume Rendering using OpenGL and Extensions
InfoVis |
1998 |
The shape of Shakespeare: visualizing text using implicit surfaces
Vis |
1998 |
Pixel masks for screen-door transparency
Vis |
1998 |
Large scale terrain visualization using the restricted quadtree triangulation
Vis |
1998 |
Building perceptual textures to visualize multidimensional datasets
Vis |
1997 |
Visualization of height field data with physical models and texture photomapping
Vis |
1997 |
An anti-aliasing technique for splatting
Vis |
1997 |
Virtualized reality: constructing time-varying virtual worlds from real world events
Vis |
1997 |
UFLIC: a line integral convolution algorithm for visualizing unsteady flows
InfoVis |
1996 |
Visage: a user interface environment for exploring information
InfoVis |
1996 |
On the semantics of interactive visualizations
Vis |
1996 |
Hierarchical and parallelizable direct volume rendering for irregular and multiple grids
Vis |
1996 |
Real-time slicing of data space