All papers that include at least one of these keywords:

Conf. Year Title
SciVis 2014 Fixed-Rate Compressed Floating-Point Arrays
Vis 2012 Turbulence Visualization at the Terascale on Desktop PCs
Vis 2012 An Adaptive Prediction-Based Approach to Lossless Compression of Floating-Point Volume Data
Vis 2007 IStar: A Raster Representation for Scalable Image and Volume Data
Vis 2007 Random-Accessible Compressed Triangle Meshes
Vis 2007 Transform Coding for Hardware-accelerated Volume Rendering
Vis 2006 Out-of-Core Remeshing of Large Polygonal Meshes
Vis 2006 Fast and Efficient Compression of Floating-Point Data
Vis 2003 Space efficient fast isosurface extraction for large datasets
Vis 2002 Interactive rendering of large volume data sets
Vis 2002 Compressing polygon mesh geometry with parallelogram prediction
Vis 2002 Efficient compression and rendering of multi-resolution meshes
Vis 2002 BLIC: Bi-Level Isosurface Compression
Vis 2001 Connectivity shapes
Vis 2001 Texture Hardware Assisted Rendering of Time-Varying Volume Data
Vis 2001 Wavelet representation of contour sets
Vis 2001 Smooth approximation and rendering of large scattered data sets
Vis 2001 Real-time decompression and visualization of animated volume data
Vis 2001 Compressing large polygonal models
Vis 2000 On-the-fly rendering of losslessly compressed irregular volume data
Vis 2000 Geometric compression for interactive transmission
Vis 2000 Topology preserving compression of 2D vector fields
Vis 1999 Progressive Compression of Arbitrary Triangular Meshes
Vis 1999 Efficient compression of non-manifold polygonal meshes
Vis 1999 Implant sprays: compression of progressive tetrahedral mesh connectivity
Vis 1999 High performance presence-accelerated ray casting
Vis 1998 Level of detail visualization of scalar data sets on irregular surface meshes
Vis 1997 Integrated volume compression and visualization
Vis 1996 Real-time slicing of data space