All papers that include at least one of these keywords:

Conf. Year Title
SciVis 2015 Adaptive Multilinear Tensor Product Wavelets
Vis 2013 Adaptive Refinement of the Flow Map Using Sparse Samples
Vis 2011 Visualization of AMR Data With Multi-Level Dual-Mesh Interpolation
Vis 2010 Computing Robustness and Persistence for Images
Vis 2010 Gradient Estimation Revitalized
Vis 2009 Supercubes: A High-Level Primitive for Diamond Hierarchies
Vis 2008 Query-Driven Visualization of Time-Varying Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data
Vis 2004 Volume refinement fairing isosurfaces
Vis 2003 Real-time refinement and simplification of adaptive triangular meshes
Vis 2003 Quasi-static approach approximation for 6 degrees-of-freedom haptic rendering
Vis 2003 Monte Carlo volume rendering
Vis 2002 Approximating normals for marching cubes applied to locally supported isosurfaces
Vis 2002 Volume warping for adaptive isosurface extraction
Vis 2002 Case study: Interactive rendering of adaptive mesh refinement data
Vis 2001 Fitting Subdivision Surfaces
Vis 2001 Smooth approximation and rendering of large scattered data sets
Vis 1999 Implant sprays: compression of progressive tetrahedral mesh connectivity
Vis 1998 Simplification of tetrahedral meshes
Vis 1998 Interpolation of triangle hierarchies