Topic cluster containing 5 keywords :
voronoi diagram 4x
voronoi treemaps 2x
centroidal voronoi tessellation 1x
voronoi spline 1x
voronoi tessellations 1x
All papers that include at least one of these keywords:
Conf. | Year ▴ | Title |
InfoVis | 2012 | Organizing Search Results with a Reference Map |
Vis | 2011 | Quasi Interpolation With Voronoi Splines |
InfoVis | 2005 | Voronoi treemaps |
Vis | 2004 | Centroidal Voronoi tessellation based algorithms for vector fields visualization and segmentation |
Vis | 2003 | Signed distance transform using graphics hardware |
Vis | 2002 | PMR: point to mesh rendering, a feature-based approach |
Vis | 2000 | A flow-guided streamline seeding strategy |
Vis | 2000 | Constructing material interfaces from data sets with volume-fraction information |