Topic cluster containing 66 keywords :
surface reconstruction 10x surface rendering 5x surface representation 4x surface simplification 4x surfaces 4x implicit surfaces 3x layered surfaces 3x separating surfaces 3x surface approximation 3x surface fitting 3x advancing front 2x integral surfaces 2x multi-resolution surfaces 2x non-manifold surfaces 2x smooth surfaces 2x streak surface generation 2x streak surfaces 2x stream surfaces 2x surface flattening 2x surface modeling 2x surface parameterization 2x area-preservation mapping 1x area-preserving surface parameterization 1x bezier surface 1x boundary change 1x contour surface 1x dynamic surfaces 1x dynamic tessellation 1x family of surfaces 1x geometric surface processing 1x implicit surface approximation 1x implicit surface curvature 1x implicit surface modeling 1x implicit surface rendering 1x interactive flattening 1x intersecting surfaces 1x isocline surfaces 1x ligand excluded surface 1x medial surface 1x nested surfaces 1x restricted union of balls 1x riemannian surface structure 1x rough surface 1x solvent excluded surface 1x surface and curve extremality 1x surface characterization 1x surface classification 1x surface construction 1x surface crossing probability 1x surface evolver 1x surface fairing 1x surface labeling 1x surface matching 1x surface processing 1x surface properties 1x surface representation and reconstruction 1x surface similarity 1x surface slant 1x surface structures 1x surface topology 1x surface visualization 1x time and streak surfaces 1x time surfaces 1x transparent surfaces 1x triangulated surface 1x two-surface visualization 1x

All papers that include at least one of these keywords:

Conf. Year â–´ Title
SciVis 2015 Effectiveness of Structured Textures on Dynamically Changing Terrain-like Surfaces
SciVis 2014 Ligand Excluded Surface: A New Type of Molecular Surface
SciVis 2014 Escape Maps
SciVis 2014 Visualization of Regular Maps: The Chase Continues
VAST 2014 BoundarySeer: Visual Analysis of 2D Boundary Changes
InfoVis 2013 Visualization of Shape Motions in Shape Space
Vis 2013 Fast Blending Scheme for Molecular Surface Representation
Vis 2013 Interactive Patient-Specific Vascular Modeling with Sweep Surfaces
Vis 2013 Area-Preservation Mapping using Optimal Mass Transport
Vis 2013 Vessel Visualization using Curved Surface Reformation
Vis 2012 Derived Metric Tensors for Flow Surface Visualization
Vis 2012 A Perceptual-Statistics Shading Model
Vis 2012 Surface-Based Structure Analysis and Visualization for Multifield Time-Varying Datasets
Vis 2011 Volume Analysis Using Multimodal Surface Similarity
Vis 2011 An Interactive Local Flattening Operator to Support Digital Investigations on Artwork Surfaces
Vis 2011 Authalic Parameterization of General Surfaces Using Lie Advection
Vis 2011 FoamVis: Visualization of 2D Foam Simulation Data
Vis 2010 Streak Lines as Tangent Curves of a Derived Vector field
Vis 2010 IRIS: Illustrative Rendering for Integral Surfaces
Vis 2010 Illustrative Stream Surfaces
Vis 2010 Interactive Separating Streak Surfaces
Vis 2009 Interactive Streak Surface Visualization on the GPU
Vis 2009 Time and Streak Surfaces for Flow Visualization in Large Time-Varying Data Sets
Vis 2009 Interactive Visual Analysis of Complex Scientific Data as Families of Data Surfaces
Vis 2009 Scalable and Interactive Segmentation and Visualization of Neural Processes in EM Datasets
Vis 2008 Smoke Surfaces: An Interactive Flow Visualization Technique Inspired by Real-World Flow Experiments
Vis 2008 Geodesic Distance-weighted Shape Vector Image Diffusion
Vis 2008 Text Scaffolds for Effective Surface Labeling
InfoVis 2007 Spatialization Design: Comparing Points and Landscapes
Vis 2007 Efficient Surface Reconstruction using Generalized Coulomb Potentials
Vis 2007 Molecular Surface Abstraction
Vis 2007 Grid With a View: Optimal Texturing for Perception of Layered Surface Shape
Vis 2006 Lines of Curvature for Polyp Detection in Virtual Colonoscopy
Vis 2006 Texturing of Layered Surfaces for Optimal Viewing
Vis 2006 High-Quality Extraction of Isosurfaces from Regular and Irregular Grids
Vis 2005 On the optimization of visualizations of complex phenomena
Vis 2005 Quality mesh generation for molecular skin surfaces using restricted union of balls
Vis 2005 Reconstructing manifold and non-manifold surfaces from point clouds
Vis 2005 Visualizing intersecting surfaces with nested-surface techniques
Vis 2005 Topology-driven surface mappings with robust feature alignment
Vis 2005 Topological structures of 3D tensor fields
Vis 2004 Radial hermite operators for scattered point cloud data with normal vectors and applications to implicitizing polygon mesh surfaces for generalized CSG operations and smoothing
Vis 2004 Rough interface reconstruction using the level set method
Vis 2004 Surface reconstruction of noisy and defective data sets
Vis 2004 Optimal global conformal surface parameterization
Vis 2004 Guaranteed quality triangulation of molecular skin surfaces
Vis 2003 Exploring curved anatomic structures with surface sections
Vis 2003 Counting cases in marching cubes: toward a generic algorithm for producing substitopes
Vis 2003 Piecewise C1 continuous surface reconstruction of noisy point clouds via local implicit quadric regression
Vis 2003 Image based flow visualization for curved surfaces
Vis 2003 Image space based visualization of unsteady flow on surfaces
Vis 2003 Curvature-based transfer functions for direct volume rendering: methods and applications
Vis 2003 Visualizing industrial CT volume data for nondestructive testing applications
Vis 2002 Optimized view-dependent rendering for large polygonal datasets
Vis 2002 Geometric surface smoothing via anisotropic diffusion of normals
Vis 2002 Bounded-distortion piecewise mesh parameterization
Vis 2002 Case study: Visualizing ocean flow vertical motions using Lagrangian-Eulerian time surfaces
Vis 2001 Point set surfaces
Vis 2001 Undersampling and oversampling in sample based shape modeling
Vis 2001 A simple algorithm for surface denoising
Vis 2001 Efficient Adaptive Simplification of Massive Meshes
Vis 2001 Fast detection of meaningful isosurfaces for volume data visualization
Vis 2001 Multiresolution feature extraction for unstructured meshes
Vis 2001 Nonmanifold subdivision
Vis 2001 Normal bounds for subdivision-surface interference detection
Vis 2001 Case study: interacting with cortical flat maps of the human brain
Vis 2000 A visibility determination algorithm for interactive virtual endoscopy
Vis 2000 Topology preserving and controlled topology simplifying multiresolution isosurface extraction
Vis 2000 Scanline surfacing: building separating surfaces from planar contours
Vis 2000 New techniques for topologically correct surface reconstruction
Vis 2000 Interior/exterior classification of polygonal models
Vis 2000 Mastering interactive surface rendering for Java-based diagnostic applications
Vis 1999 Spiraling Edge: fast surface reconstruction from partially organized sample points
InfoVis 1998 The shape of Shakespeare: visualizing text using implicit surfaces
Vis 1998 Simplifying surfaces with color and texture using quadric error metrics
Vis 1998 A unified approach for simplifying polygonal and spline models
Vis 1998 Constrained optimal framings of curves and surfaces using quaternion Gauss maps
Vis 1998 Large scale terrain visualization using the restricted quadtree triangulation
Vis 1998 A general method for preserving attribute values on simplified meshes
Vis 1998 Extremal feature extraction from 3-D vector and noisy scalar fields
Vis 1997 Collision detection for volumetric objects
Vis 1997 Simplifying polygonal models using successive mappings
Vis 1997 Interactive volume rendering for virtual colonoscopy
Vis 1997 Visualization of rotation fields
Vis 1996 Real-time slicing of data space
Vis 1995 Interval volume: a solid fitting technique for volumetric data display and analysis
Vis 1995 Tensor product surfaces guided by minimal surface area triangulations