All papers that include at least one of these keywords:

Conf. Year Title
VAST 2012 Just-in-time annotation of clusters, outliers, and trends in point-based data visualizations
Vis 2012 Visualization of Electrostatic Dipoles in Molecular Dynamics of Metal Oxides
Vis 2009 Interactive Visualization of Molecular Surface Dynamics
Vis 2008 Surface Extraction from Multi-field Particle Volume Data Using Multi-dimensional Cluster Visualization
Vis 2008 Smooth Surface Extraction from Unstructured Point-based Volume Data Using PDEs
InfoVis 2007 Spatialization Design: Comparing Points and Landscapes
Vis 2006 Interactive Visualization of Intercluster Galaxy Structures in the Horologium-Reticulum Supercluster
Vis 2006 Interactive Point-Based Rendering of Higher-Order Tetrahedral Data
Vis 2006 Interactive Point-based Isosurface Exploration and High-quality Rendering
Vis 2006 Using Difference Intervals for Time-Varying Isosurface Visualization
Vis 2005 Stream-processing points
Vis 2005 Farthest point seeding for efficient placement of streamlines
Vis 2004 Radial hermite operators for scattered point cloud data with normal vectors and applications to implicitizing polygon mesh surfaces for generalized CSG operations and smoothing
Vis 2004 Rough interface reconstruction using the level set method
Vis 2004 TetSplat: real-time rendering and volume clipping of large unstructured tetrahedral meshes
Vis 2004 Efficient point-based isosurface exploration using the span-triangle
Vis 2004 Interactive point-based isosurface extraction
InfoVis 2003 Intelligently resolving point occlusion
Vis 2003 Piecewise C1 continuous surface reconstruction of noisy point clouds via local implicit quadric regression
Vis 2003 A frequency-sensitive point hierarchy for images and volumes
Vis 2002 Probabilistic surfaces: point based primitives to show surface uncertainty
Vis 2002 Interactive visualization of complex plant ecosystems
Vis 2001 Point set surfaces
Vis 2001 Hybrid simplification: combining multi-resolution polygon and point rendering
Vis 2001 A complete distance field representation
Vis 2000 A flow-guided streamline seeding strategy