Topic cluster containing 91 keywords :
level sets 9x
wavelets 7x
moving least squares 4x
finite element method 3x
high-order finite elements 3x
knot theory 3x
radial basis functions 3x
spectral/hp elements 3x
conformal mapping 2x
differential forms 2x
discontinuous galerkin methods 2x
finite elements 2x
fourier transform 2x
gauss map 2x
level set method 2x
poincare map 2x
riemannian manifolds 2x
singularities 2x
basis function 1x
boolean operations 1x
chaos 1x
collision probability 1x
complex logarithm 1x
conformal 1x
conjunctive normal form 1x
constrained least squares 1x
convolution 1x
convolution-based differentiation 1x
critical point theory 1x
derivative 1x
discrete hartley transform 1x
discrete wavelet transform 1x
eigenvector analysis 1x
finite element modeling 1x
finite element visualization 1x
finite-difference-time-domain (fdtd) 1x
finite-time lyapunov exponent 1x
formal methods 1x
fourier analysis 1x
fourier projection theorem 1x
fractal dimension 1x
fuzzy logic 1x
generalized eigenvalue problem 1x
higher-order elements 1x
homography 1x
ideal knots 1x
implicit functions 1x
implicit geometry 1x
influence estimation 1x
integration operator 1x
invariants 1x
isotropic 1x
least squares approximation 1x
level set graphs 1x
level set models 1x
lie advection 1x
lipschitz exponents 1x
logical operations 1x
mathematical foundations for visualization 1x
monte carlo integration 1x
multi-dimensional functions 1x
natural embedding 1x
nice numbers 1x
nonnegative matrix factorization 1x
numerical analysis 1x
numerosity 1x
orthogonal block transform 1x
parallel finite element codes and simulations 1x
parallelogram rule 1x
poincare transformation 1x
predicate function 1x
principal directions 1x
quaternions 1x
real projective plane 1x
regularization 1x
reidemeister theorem 1x
rotation invariance 1x
seifert surfaces 1x
separatrices 1x
set-cover problem 1x
smooth functions 1x
spherical harmonics 1x
spherical harmonics fields 1x
substitope 1x
taylor series expansion 1x
tight knots 1x
upwind method 1x
variational principle 1x
wang cubes 1x
wavelet analysis 1x
waveletsat 1x
All papers that include at least one of these keywords: